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Poodle Versus The Vigilante

Poodle Versus The Vigilante

In breaking news… Rocco has a new killer to sniff out.

A Vigilante is stalking the cottage country town of Williamsport, and it appears no one can escape his swift justice. But has the mysterious avenger gone too far? The newest victim was a friendly, hardworking, selfless environmentalist. What could she have possibly done to incur the wrath of the Vigilante and become the first target to die?

Click here to read Poodle Versus The Vigilante.

Zora Flynn, is a 50-something local newspaper publisher, and owner of Rocco, her pampered prince of a poodle. She isn’t convinced that a single person is responsible for the winter crime wave. But then… that would mean two crimes to solve, instead of one.

Zora, Rocco, and the staff of The Williamsport Whistle are on deadline. Catch a killer and put the Vigilante on ice. Can they do it before crime snowballs and bloodies the reputation of the picturesque cottage country town?

Poodle Versus The Outlaw

Poodle Versus The Outlaw

Poodle Versus The Fake Santa

Poodle Versus The Fake Santa